A day like today makes me want to curl up with a spot of tea. How much is a "spot" by the way? Is that like a cup in English terms? I've always liked that saying - for some reason it makes me think of Mary Poppins or Bed knobs and Broom Sticks (LOVED that movie growing up).
Either way I'm currently enjoying a cup of Lavender Earl Grey Tea, which is quite lovely thanks to my Mother-in-law, and thinking about a new project. Yes, I said new. I realize that you're probably thinking, "But Nichole, you already have projects that you're in the middle of", and you are absolutely correct. However, I just completed a crochet project of mine, and I'm already planning the next one.
Let me explain, I've come to rely on the crochet projects as an "in-between", as in a filler for when I'm not working on the other various projects that I have started. It's something that I can do while sitting on the couch with Mike, or listening to Music or on travel. Its something to pass the time and I end up with an awesome end-result. Its literally a WIN-WIN for me. The repetitiveness of crocheting also allows for my mind to wander and "reset". Much like my doodle drawing I mentioned here. I loved how my first project turned out so much, that I'm hoping I can crank out a bunch in the near future and use the results as product for my upcoming Etsy shop. so really that's more like a WIN-WIN-WIN. I'm not even sure I can make that sound any more awesome ....
A great source of information that I stumbled upon through Pinterest was the blog Maybe Matilda by Rachel. She has great craft tutorials, including a bunch on crochet! Definitely check it out - I give her a billion thumbs up for her walk-through's - she took the time to photograph each step which is so helpful!
Anyhoo, a trip to walmart's yarn department is in my near future - is it weird that I'm so excited for this?? This time, I'm thinking stripes...
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