One of my best friends is getting married and I'm one of the bridesmaids. Next weekend, we are throwing said bride-to-be her bridal shower and bachelorette party.
Planning these things is exhausting!
And yes, this is the first one I've had to help properly plan. However, that doesn't diminish the fact that this needs to be awesome.
It's so exciting because, literally, this shindig can be anything the bride bridesmaids want it to be. (haha!) My head was spinning with so many ideas (stupid Pinterest), but the one most important thing I think chics forget when planning this shit is $$$.
Let's talk about price...cuz Whaaa??
Dude, this stuff adds up quickly. Once you settle on ideas and everyone agrees on the cost, then pulling together the decor, etc. sort of falls into place. By fall into place, I mean I actually need to finish them!
I like how everyone is really instituting a sort of focal point over the snack table, or seating area using decorations in the showers' theme, and paper lanterns were heavily used. I've seen a lot of different things done with those lanterns, but those things can get pretty pricey, and if I can avoid spending money on new things that will only get used once when I can just make it myself but better - then why not?
bottom line - I decided to create my own lanterns. That way I can make them in the beach theme we are implementing everywhere else. I had some of those needle working wooden rings lying around, so I actually just constructed the frames using those and hot glue. The screw at the top allows a sort of access point for tying the lanterns up when I'm finished and ready to hang.
For covering the outsides, I debated over what exactly I wanted to do for about a week. There are so many neat ideas out there, but it all boiled down to one factor - time. I only have about 4 or so days to complete any last minute details and get the heck down to Virginia Beach. (Ah!!)
I think what I'm going to end up doing is use a larger circle punch and layer them around the outside for the cover then water down some acrylic paint in a beachy teal/blue color and spray them. Once dry, I have little battery operated tea lights I will use to light them up from the inside The color will blend well with the theme and the circles will create a sort of scaling affect to match too.
So much to do! I only hope that in the end, the Bride has a good time and really enjoys herself.
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